How to get a sweater without pills?
Why do pills sometimes appear on your cashmere sweater ? Here is our answer !
Your cashmere can pill for two reasons: either because its quality is poor, or because it is not well maintained.

In the case of poor quality cashmere, the fibers used to make the sweaters are short because they are less expensive. To obtain a yarn for knitting, a lot of them must be assembled.
Over time and daily friction, pilling appears because the fibers come loose from each other. Unfortunately, this problem comes from the quality of the cashmere used, and there is nothing you can do about it !
At Hircus, we only select grade A cashmere, corresponding to long fibers; so you will not encounter this problem !
« Our advice: wash your cashmere sweater regularly, every three to four wears,
to prevent pilling. »
Your cashmere sweater may pill for another reason: lack of maintenance.
We strongly advise you to wash your cashmere sweater every three to four wears, and this is even more important when it is new.
Indeed, the first washes will allow your cashmere sweater to reject the excess material used in its making, as well as to moisturize its fibers. If you do not wash it regularly enough, small superficial pills could appear. After about ten washes, all the excess material will have been eliminated; no more pills should appear.
If you notice otherwise, it simply means that it is time to wash your cashmere sweater. Indeed, a fiber lacking hydration tends to pill.

In case lint could appear following localized friction caused by a bag for example, we recommend using our lint comb which will gently remove visible lint.
It is very easy to use; you just have to run the comb over the affected area to eliminate the excess material, without pressing too hard to avoid damaging the fabric.
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